A North Carolina-based photographer and interior designer, here to inspire you to get those photos off your computer and into your home-even in a rental!
Sleeping patterns: Amelia is still waking up once a night to eat. The time varies. Sometimes it’s 0200 consistently for a few days, and others it’s 0400. Some nights she sleeps until 0500. I just can’t seem to figure her out! Her normal wake up time is around 0630 though and her naps are 0900 and 1300. Some days she takes a long nap ranging anywhere from an hour to an hour and a half. Other days she takes a quick cat nap, sleeping only for 30 minutes. Most of the time on the short nap days, it’s a poopy diaper that wakes her. Logan always jokes though and calls her a restless soul. I think she just hates missing out on anything that might be going on.
Feeding schedule: Amelia loves food! I have started offering her just about everything that we eat. She has only turned her nose up to a few things. Her favorite breakfast foods are blueberries, bananas, eggs, pancakes, and oatmeal. Lunch usually consists of yogurt and some fruit or granola, and dinner is usually whatever we had for dinner the night before. She loved my turkey meatballs! If she sees you eating it though, you better be prepared to share! She is still breastfeeding in between her meals and likes drinking water out of her sippy cup. She has also loved trying Semper’s food when she’s fast enough!
Sounds and motions she makes: We officially have a crawler! She started off slowly, but now enjoys crawling around an entire room to explore. I think the hardwood floor hurts her knees, so she usually drags one leg behind and bends the one in front to move along. She pulls herself up on all the furniture and loves to walk when someone holds her hands. Amelia just recently started mimicking the sounds that I make at her. If I squeal she will laugh and squeal right back or blow raspberries at me if she sees me doing it. She bounces up and down to music and bobbles her head when she’s happy. She loves to laugh and Easton is great at getting a good one from her. She just lights up when she sees him. She is getting better at her “da da da” syllables and still jabbering up a storm.
Likes and dislikes: Amelia still loves to eat and has even tasted a sample of Semper’s food this month. She loves going to the pool and playing in the water, interacting with Easton, going for rides in her tricycle, exploring new things around the house now that she’s mobile, pulling Semper’s hair, brushing her teeth, sucking her thumb before falling asleep, and being held. She dislikes when she can’t crawl somewhere fast enough and feels left behind, having her diaper changed (which I’m still not sure why, sometimes she’s fine with it) waiting on food (can’t argue with her there), and staying up past her bedtime.
By the end of the month, she is learning to: Amelia loves standing up in her crib when she’s protesting her nap. We lowered her crib down all the way after just a few weeks of having it in the middle setting. She has mastered the skill of crawling and is getting stronger at walking when we hold onto her hands. She is becoming more verbal and really interacting more with us by copying things that we do and sounds we make. She is persistent about trying to feed herself with the utensils. She loves grabbing it out of my hands when I’m trying to feed her. She is also becoming more familiar with her name. She heard it said in a song that was playing and immediately turned her head to see who had spoken it.