A North Carolina-based photographer and interior designer, here to inspire you to get those photos off your computer and into your home-even in a rental!
Sleeping patterns: Easton is a great little sleeper! He goes to bed around 1830 and wakes up around 0630. He eats, and sometimes go back to sleep until 0730 or so.
Feeding schedule: Easton likes most foods, although he is very hesitant about putting something in his mouth that he hasn’t tasted yet. He treads with caution! He still loves fruit and most veggies and is still enjoying exploring new foods off mommy and daddy’s plates. He loves to drink water and is still being breastfed, although this will be his last month with that. Hooray for making it to one year!
Sounds and motions he makes: Easton talks a lot and loves mimicking sounds that we make. You can tell he just has so much to say! He also loves to wave at people.
Likes and dislikes: Easton likes eating, although he doesn’t like sitting in his high chair or waiting on the food. He loves to rough house with daddy, play with his doggies, crawl all over the house while holding objects in both hands, smile, be chased around the house, and exploring the yard outside. He still dislikes having his diaper changed and protests nap time for about 2 minutes before he crashes!
By the end of the month, he is learning to: Easton can ‘high-five’, wave, give a kiss, and stand up from a sitting position without holding onto anything for a good 30 seconds or so. He is getting so strong! He loves climbing on things and trying to jump off them, anything he can bang on and make loud noises, and bouncing to a good beat! He is getting very perceptive too. You can hide something from him and he will know exactly where you put it! He also has 8 teeth now!