A North Carolina-based photographer and interior designer, here to inspire you to get those photos off your computer and into your home-even in a rental!
Sleeping patterns: This was definitely not a month to brag about. Between staying in Florida for a month, living in a hotel for weeks, and dealing with a three hour time change, Easton has been waking up several times a night. No one in my family wanted to hear Easton cry for longer than 5 minutes and I’m sure our neighbors in the hotel felt the same way! So I would pick him up and feed him to keep from waking everyone up. I am currently reading, “Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child”, so some tough love is about to start!
Feeding schedule: Easton is still breastfeeding several times a day and eating three meals a day. We just introduced organic banana puffs and he enjoys eating them. They have also been great in teaching him how to feed himself. He is getting better about eating more solid food that I cut up for him including avocados, fruits, eggs, and the occasional syrup free pancake. And of course, he loves to drink water! His favorite thing is to be given water through a straw like a bird. 🙂
Sounds and motions he makes: Easton loves to laugh and has learned how to wave. He has quite the personality too. He loves to get your attention and smile a huge toothy grin and giggles with delight when the smile is returned. He also has started mimicking sounds that you make and shakes with delight when he’s getting something that he wants.
Likes and dislikes: Easton loves dancing to music. Whenever he hears it, he will bounce up and down to the beat. He loves bath time, people watching in shopping carts, being pulled in a wagon, swinging, the outdoors, and laughing at his monkey stuffed animal. He dislikes having his diaper changed and gets frustrated when he sees something that he wants but can’t get to it.
By the end of the month, he is learning to: Easton is getting very mobile. He hasn’t started crawling yet but he can definitely get to where he wants to go by scooting or rolling. He can pull himself up to a standing position and is very strong. Daddy will hold him up by his hands and he will take several steps with assistance. His four top teeth can be visibly seen when he smiles now too!
Hey! Great blog! Glad you guys have gotten settled in. I’m reading the same book because Eileen is still waking up 2-3 times a night! This momma is ready for some much needed SLEEP!
Hey! Great blog! Glad you guys have gotten settled in. I’m reading the same book because Eileen is still waking up 2-3 times a night! This momma is ready for some much needed SLEEP!