A monthly look into how big Easton is getting and the new things he’s doing!
- Height: 27.5″ (unofficial)
- Weight: 19.1 lbs (unofficial)
- Sleeping patterns: Easton has had quite a hard time with the 7 teeth he now has poking through. He is doing better though with going to bed around 1830 and waking up at around 0700, usually waking up once a night to eat.
- Feeding schedule: Easton usually gets breast milk about 5 times a day and is now up to eating solid food 3 times a day!
- Sounds and motions he makes: Easton babbles a lot! He loves saying ‘da-da’ and laughing. He smiles all day long, and loves clapping his hands. He also twirls his feet when he gets excited.
- Likes and dislikes: Easton loves being outdoors, swinging, jumping in his jumperoo, and playing with his toys. Easton hates teething and is not a big fan of the giraffes at the zoo!
- By the end of the month, he is learning to: Easton is really learning how to get around on his belly. He hasn’t started crawling yet, but I think it could be any day now! He definitely assumes the position and is rocking back and forth. Easton also loves to stand up while holding onto things and gives himself kisses in the mirror.
I love this picture with his two little bottom teeth showing! I think he’s waiting to start crawling until I get there this weekend. He knows I’ll want to document it. hehe
He is definitely getting close, Kiki!